Mastering Your Self-Talk™

A Positive Performance Online Course 

Mastering Your Self-Talk™ helps athletes build true and lasting confidence on a subconscious level so they can find their best performance, on the playing field and off.

Aren't you sick of trying to instill confidence in your athletes?

How much time do you spend trying to get your athlete to believe in themselves? How often are you frustrated when you finally feel you’ve made progress, just to see your athlete deflated by a bad performance? How aggravating is it to watch your athlete underperform, not because of talent or lack of effort, but simply because they don’t have confidence?

You aren’t alone. 

The good news is that you've been doing it wrong. Wait, what? (stay with me) 

YOUR job isn't to give them confidence. With the right tools and a proven system, you can help your athletes develop this confidence on their own so they truly believe in themselves on and off the playing field. 

(Which will free you up to coach.) Wouldn't that be nice?


Build Confidence With A Simple, Proven System

This isn't just a bunch of research thrown at you or a useless 'think positive' approach. In our system, we give you ACTIONABLE, step-by-step instructions on how to build positive self-talk. (And more importantly, HOW to implement it with your athletes without needing a Ph.D. in sports psychology or loads of free time). 

So what can you expect? 

  • Increased confidence will help your athletes overcome failure faster. Being able to overcome a slump and keep their head in the game means playing to win instead of playing to not lose.
  • When athletes find lasting confidence they make better decisions faster and trust themselves on the playing field, even after making mistakes. 
  • Hesitation costs teams wins, severely limits athletes performance, and creates a cycle of frustration that can be hard to get out of without specific tools. Self-Talk is a simple but hugely effective tool to break this cycle. 

What Is Included:

Mastering Your Self-Talk consists of 7 main modules plus a final assessment. Each training component is designed to help athletes train and develop their self-confidence.

  • MODULE 1: BUILD IT STRONG  - To build lasting confidence, athletes need a strong foundation. In part one, we'll show you how improving self-talk is the missing link to more productive, higher performing, confident, and happier athletes.
  • MODULE 2: OUR OWN WORST CRITIC - Millions of smart and successful athletes suffer from this performance-killing condition. In part two, we'll show you how to look for, and treat the root cause of self-criticism so your confidence and performance can thrive.
  • MODULE 3: PERFORMANCE BOOSTER - Now that you've seen how self-talk impacts your performance, In part three, you'll learn exactly how to use the power of self-talk to dramatically improve your performance.
  • MODULE 4: THE GOLDEN RULE OF POSITIVITY - With stronger self-confidence, you can now empower and bring more positivity to those around you. In Part Four, learn how to apply these principles to the world around you so that your inner and outer self are in harmony.
  • MODULE 5: STRENGTH FROM VULNERABILITY - Now that you’ve created a solid inner foundation, it’s time to learn how external input can impact your self-confidence. In Part Five, learn how to handle vulnerability and accept compliments.
  • MODULE 6: KICK YOUR BUTT INTO GEAR - You've learned why and how to develop positive self-talk in yourself, but what about negative self-talk? In Part Six, we’ll show you when and how to use negative self-talk to help you succeed.
  • MODULE 7: OFF TO THE RACES - Roll up your sleeves and get started putting everything you’ve learned about positive self-talk into practice. Doing the 7-Day Self-Talk Challenge, and see how Positive Self-Talk transforms your confidence.
  • MODULE 8: ASSESS YOUR PROGRESS - Now that you've completed the course, let's re-evaluate the areas you've improved on as well as see the areas you will continue to want to work on. Self-talk improvement is a journey and self-awareness is something that continues to be revisited. 
Lindsey Wilson, Founder Positive Performance

Lindsey Wilson draws from 15 years as a mindset coach and nearly a decade of experience competing professionally to create mental training programs that are relevant, impactful, and attainable for athletes. She draws real-world wisdom from her relationships with some of the top trainers and athletes in her field, her hypnosis training, and her understanding of team chemistry and leadership. She backs this up with years of training and experience in the areas of mental performance training.

"Very few players are fortunate enough to start learning about positive mentality early. In my experience, most athletes begin thinking about mental skills late high school, if at all. Positive Performance became the perfect way to give mental tools to my teammates. Everything an athlete needs is in one place. Goal setting, affirmations, visualization, assessments... it goes on. The best feeling is to know that yourself and a teammate are improving together. Becoming mentally strong is not always easy, it takes work, but Positive Performance is ALWAYS WORTH IT."

Rachael F.
College Volleyball Player

"The season just finished and my team did awesome! I used many of the techniques I've learned from Positive Performance Training to help guide my swimmers to positive mental control during practice and at competition. I can really see a difference in them and I'm so proud to be apart of their journey. And I'm very thankful to you Lindsey for adding so many awesome things to my coaching toolbox!!"

Brie Taylor
Head Coach at YDC United Hurricane Swimming EAST

"Thanks for bringing common sense and reality into the woo-woo world of motivation. I needed practical, everyday mental work that could help me change a bad habit that was keeping me down - my overly critical thinking.Ā Your MYST course has changed the game completely. Best $ I ever spent! "


Is Mastering Your Self-Talk Right For You?


"As a coach, I care deeply about my athlete's performance but I care even more about them as young people. Positive Performance empowered my athletes with the POWER of their own mindā€¦..there is no greater gift our staff could give them for tennis or for life. Bringing in Positive Performance was a no-brainer for our program."

Bob Dallas
Head Coach Dartmouth College




1 Account

8 Modules

Lifetime access

7 day follow up challenge




Up to 20 Athlete/Coach Accounts

8 Modules

Lifetime access

7 day follow up challenge



How does this work?

Once you purchase Mastering Your Self-talk™, athletes will get access to the online course for one year. Athletes go through the training modules at their own pace. Athletes will watch videos, fill out online worksheets, journal, and go through the entire course all on their personal, confidential account. It takes about 3 hours total to complete the course but we recommend breaking it up into 20-30 minute chunks. Log-in from your computer or mobile device.

How long do we have access to the training?

We understand that life happens, and that just because you enroll today that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to finish (or even start) the training this week. And that’s ok! The license is for an entire year, so take your time... even come back and redo modules later on.

I am a parent, how do I know if this is right for my child?

Would your son or daughter benefit from increased confidence? Are they working hard in practice but it's not paying off when they are in competition? Do you feel they could accomplish more if they believed in themselves? Are they committed to getting better? If so, Mastering Your Self-Talk is absolutely right for them. If not, they may not be ready for mental training.

For what age range and sport does this training work best?

The training is recommended for ages 13+. We’ve worked with athletes in a wide range of sports; from traditional team sports like soccer, basketball and softball to individual sports like track, swimming, tennis and rodeo. Regardless of your sport, working on your self-talk will benefit your program.

We are in our off-season, will this training still help?

Absolutely. Mastering Your Self-Talk is a training that can be done at any time of the year. The only potential limitation is, if you are team, can you get together to do part of the training as a group. Group training is not a necessity, however, if you are a team, we do recommend it.

My athlete(s) already have a good amount of confidence….Will this improve our results, or is it just a beginners’ course?

Mastering Your Self-Talk has been used by professional and Olympic athletes so it’s likely that your athletes will benefit from it as well. That being said, if you are interested in a more comprehensive training designed to immerse teams in mental training, we have that too.


If you do the work and don’t get the value, then we don’t deserve your money, it’s just that simple.(*Must notify us within 14 days of purchase.)



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