406 | Guest Interview: Jake Thompson

Season #21

Today I am so grateful to be joined by the one and only Jake Thompson!

Jake’s resume is impressive, to say the least. He is an author, keynote speaker, coach, business man, and (best of all) an example of everything he teaches. In his trainings, team building workshops, and one on one coaching, he inspires everyone he works with to build grit, accountability, and compete every day for success.

In this episode, we talk about what’s good, what’s hard, and what has worked for him. We get into the problem with trying to be “fearless”, the magnetic influence of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and how to break down your big goals into bite-sized pieces. One of my favorite teachable moments in this episode is when Jake talks about “can’t-see choices that turn into can’t-miss results.”

Coming off of this interview, I feel like I just got a personal coaching session!

Whether you’re an athlete, coach, parent, or a mindset nerd, this interview with Jake Thompson is sure to get you fired up for your goals. Better still, it will help you stay on track making small, meaningful choices every day to achieve those goals and become better athletes and humans.

Press play, enjoy, and share with anyone who comes to mind as you listen to this kickass episode!

Follow Jake:
Website: www.competeeveryday.com
Instagram: @competeeveryday and @jakethompsonspeaks
Linkedin : Jake Thompson


Here’s a glance at this episode:

[0:40] Jake talks openly about his ADHD and how he’s learned to harness it into growing his business. Jake and Lindsey discuss how time management is a mindset issue.

[7:00] Jake argues that it’s better to fear LESS than to be fearless. Jake gives tips for changing your relationship to fear. As he eloquently explains, “Courage isn’t being fearless, it’s learning to move while you’re scared”

[14:23] Your community directly influences your mindset. Jake talks in detail about the magnetic influence of the five people you spend the most time with, especially during times of growth and transformation.

[21:55] Jake explains how writing down your biggest fears can help you prepare to reduce your fear, take action, and flourish during times of struggle.

[23:45] What are the 5 core values that you want to live by? Jake vulnerably shares his core values and explains how these pillars support every action and choice he makes.

[28:00] From hitting the snooze button, to responding poorly to your kid, to re-starting when you get off track, Jake insists that success comes down to can’t see choices you make every day. As he puts it, “Can’t see choices turn into can’t miss results.”

[33:50] Small, incremental steps lead to long-term results. Here’s how breaking down your big goals into bite sized pieces can help you move forward.

[36:19] Lindsey shoots off a few rapid fire questions to get to know Jake. With each question, Lindsey peels back the curtain back on Jake’s personal routines, what he’s reading, what he’s creating, what he consumes from a content perspective, and what brings him joy.

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